Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Self-Advocacy and Supports: Keys to Independence and Moving On: Life in the Community
05:30 PM - 08:00 PM
Students with disabilities are learning to make choices about their lives. In school and in the community they are finding the words and behaviors to communicate their opinions, preferences, and concerns. Within these module presentations the importance of self-determination and self-advocacy as related to transition goal achievement will be discussed.
NEXT STEPS is a parent training organization and resource network for families of students who have a disability. NEXT STEPS teams throughout Illinois provide a series of training workshopsthat are designed to increase knowledge of the transition process. Participants in the trainings include professionals in the field as well as parents of students who have a disability. The workshop consists of eight modules that deal with the overall planning process and service linkage that will positively impact the student’s future.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Self-Advocacy and Supports: Keys to Independence and Moving On: Life in the Community
Students with disabilities are learning to make choices about their lives. In school and in the community they are finding the words and behaviors to communicate their opinions, preferences, and concerns. Within these module presentations the importance of self-determination and self-advocacy as related to transition goal achievement will be discussed.
Please contact Elaine Young at (708)481-6100 for questions or to register
Click here for more information
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