February 22  • Fair 19.0°  •  

COVID-19 Testing Program

Because COVID-19 remains a threat to public health and a large portion of our student population is too young to be vaccinated for COVID-19, SPEED District 802 must remain vigilant about protecting our staff and students. In addition to the current mitigation efforts (masking, social distancing, hand hygiene, quarantine/isolation, and enhanced cleaning protocols), we are establishing another layer of protection with a COVID-19 testing program. by utilizing SHIELD Illinois saliva test and BInaxNOW rapid antigen tests.
Used by the University of Illinois since the fall of 2020, the SHIELD COVID-19 saliva PCR test regimen has been highly effective at identifying and isolating asymptomatic individuals, thus lowering the number of students and staff who test positive or who must quarantine due to having close contact with someone who tested positive. Illinois Department of Public Health is offering SHIELD Illinois saliva tests and BinaxNOW rapid antigen tests free of charge to K-12 school districts like ours.

How it works


SHIELD Illinois saliva test has very high sensitivity and specificity, meaning there are very few false negatives and false positives, and is much less invasive than a nasal swab. Students will be taught how to drool several times into a funnel attached to a tube, screw on a cap to complete the test and then place the sample in a collection box. The video below illustrates the process. You will also find a fact sheet below with more information.


BinaxNOW rapid antigen tests will be used to test individuals who present to the health office with COVID-19 symptoms.



SPEED District 802 seeks to maintain a safe environment for employees, students and their families during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The District will be testing for COVID-19 as an additional mitigation strategy during the 2021-2022 school year. The goal will be to screen all individuals weekly utilizing the SHIELD Illinois saliva test, and diagnostically test anyone experiencing COVID symptom/s with the BinaxNOW rapid antigen swab. See definitions below for more information on these two tests.

Benefits of a Testing Program


Having a testing program adds another layer of protection against COVID-19 infection in our community. It allows the District to rapidly identify individuals who are positive for COVID-19 and expedite isolation and quarantine requirements. This in-turn informs infection prevention and control measures, thus preventing transmission.

SHIELD Illinois


SHIELD Illinois is a RT-PCR saliva test that SPEED District 802 will be utilizing to screen all individuals in an effort to catch asymptomatic positives before unknowingly spreading COVID-19 to others. We will be working with the SHIELD team, along with a 3rd party agency, to assist us in administering and processing these tests.



BinaxNOW is a rapid antigen test that detects the presence of the virus that causes COVID-19 infection. The specimen is collected via nasal swab and results are available in about 15 minutes. The goal of this test is to quickly identify symptomatic positives.

Results & Isolation/Quarantine Recommendations


Only those who test positive or have been identified as a close contact of someone who tests positive will be contacted via phone or email following the SHIELD screening test. Families and staff will be instructed on isolation & quarantine recommendations based on IDPH and CDC guidance.



Families will have the opportunity to opt out of the SHIELD testing program at SPEED District 802.

If symptoms develop during the school day, the school nurse will contact parents/guardians for consent for a BinaxNOW rapid antigen nasal swab, if consent is not already on file.





All healthcare staff in the district have been trained to collect samples for BinaxNOW, process the test, and interpret results.



All components of the BinaxNOW test kit, as well as gloves used by persons administering the test and any grossly contaminated PPE, will be discarded as infectious waste. Any waste produced during the SHIELD screening testing will be removed and disposed of by the 3rd party testing agency.

Reporting to IDPH


Positive results from the SHIELD screening program will be reported to IDPH by the assigned 3rd party responsible for sample collection within our schools. The nurse administering the BinaxNOW will report the results to IDPH through the RedCap reporting system. This is consistent with IDPH guidance and the Illinois Control of Communicable Disease Code.



Screening test – intended to identify infected persons who are asymptomatic and without known or suspected exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. Screening tests are performed to identify persons who may be contagious so that measures can be taken to prevent further transmission.
Diagnostic test – intended to identify current infections at the individual level when a person has signs or symptoms consistent with COVID-19, or when a person is asymptomatic but has recent known or suspected exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19.


Schools / Programs

Program for Adaptive Learning
Independence School
Early Learning Center

Special Education Joint Agreement School District #802
1125 Division Street
Chicago Heights, IL 60411
Phone: 708/481-6100
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